Naoko took over her family's knit manufacturer business and launched her brand, evam eva, in 2001, designing comfortable knitwear in Yamanashi, Japan. Her partnership with SKJ is built on shared values of simplicity, craftsmanship, and enriching daily life. SKJ’s minimalistic designs compliment evam eva’s aesthetic, and Naoko's passion for creating comfort through elegance continues to inspire.
"The strength of her brand lies in its flexibility, offering personalized options like stone size and gold color to suit different people. Since we both started from a foundation of craftsmanship, it’s exciting to collaborate with others who share a similar background." - Naoko
なおこさんは家族が経営するニットメーカーを引き継ぎ、2001年に自身のブランド、evam eva(エヴァム エヴァ)を山梨県で立ち上げ、心地よいニットウェアをデザインしています。SKJとのパートナーシップは、シンプルさ、職人技、日常生活を豊かにするという共通の価値観に基づいて始まりました。SKJのミニマルなデザインは、evam evaの美学を引き立て、なおこさんの「心地良さをエレガンスで表現する」という情熱は、常にインスピレーションを与えてくれます。
「彼女のブランドの強みは、石のサイズやゴールドの色など、様々な人に合うように柔軟にカスタマイズできるところにあります。私たち二人とも、ものづくりをベースにブランドをスタートさせたので、似たような背景を持つ人と一緒に仕事ができるのはとても楽しいです。」- なおこ
How did you first meet Satomi and SKJ?
We met through a mutual friend Yoko. Yoko used to live in New York, but now lives in the West Coast. Her husband is from Yamanashi and they visited our shop while they were in Japan and that's how we originally met. We participate in trade shows in New York twice a year, and I came across Satomi's designs in a select shop in New York and was drawn to them. One of Satomi’s jewelries caught my eye and purchased a small hexagon shaped necklace with a brown diamond. At that time, I didn't know about Satomi, but when I saw her name I realized she was a Japanese designer. I don't wear much jewelry, but her simple pieces complement evam eva’s aesthetic. A while later, Yoko introduced me to Satomi and I visited her showroom.
アメリカにいる共通の友人であるYokoさんを通して出会いました。Yokoさんは以前はNYに暮らしておられましたが今は西海岸に引っ越されました。Yokoさんのご主人は山梨県出身で日本帰国時に彼らがevam evaの店舗を訪問してくださったことがきっかけで知り合いました。私たちは毎年2回NYで展示会に参加しているのですがその合間にNYのセレクショショップで小さなブラウンダイヤモンドの六角形のネックレスを購入しました。その時はさとみさんのことは知らなかったのですが名前を見て日本人のデザイナーなんだな、と思いました。自分はあまりジュエリーを着用しないのですが、さとみさんの繊細でシンプルなジュエリーはevam evaの世界観と通ずるところがあります。その後しばらくしてYokoさんがさとみさんを紹介してくれ、さとみさんのショールームを訪れました。

What were your first impressions of Satomi?
I first encountered Satomi through her jewelry. Before I actually met Satomi, I had the impression that she was someone who was strong and tense because she was based in New York, but her Osaka dialect made her feel familiar and approachable. She is open and charming, and she quickly put me at ease.
Why did you decide to partner with SKJ?
We don’t usually buy products from other brands when we go to trade shows overseas, but we don’t make jewelry ourselves. So we decided to carry Satomi's jewelry, which has something in common with the esthetics of evam eva.
通常、海外の展示会で他のブランドの商品を購入することはほとんどありませんが私たちはジュエリーを作っていないため、evam evaの世界観と通ずるところがあるさとみさんのジュエリーを取り扱うことにしました。
How has your experience working with SKJ been?
We’ve been working with SKJ since 2013. Though we don't meet frequently, we share many sympathies regarding design, business, and the challenges of being a business owner in both Japan and New York.
What's the recent project with SKJ?
Satomi created exclusive pieces for us using white gold, as I prefer the subtle shine of white gold over yellow gold. The exclusivity of her designs fit well with our brand and received positive feedback. Satomi is an artisan herself and can make samples, so she was able to respond quickly. Both evam eva and SKJ are brands that started with manufacturing, so it was fun to work together with people who create things.
昨年evam evaのためのexclusiveラインをホワイトゴールドで作ってもらいました。私はイエローゴールドよりもホワイトゴールドのさりげない輝きの方が好きなので私のその希望を取り入れてもらったのですがevam evaの洋服との相性も良く、ご好評いただきました。さとみさんはご自身が職人でサンプルも彼女が作れるので、スピーディーに対応してくれました。evam evaもSKJもものづくりからブランドを立ち上げているので、ものをつくる人といっしょにできることは楽しかったです。
What do you think makes SKJ unique compared to other jewelry brands?
I think their strength lies in their flexibility, with a wide range of options to choose from, such as stone size and metal color, allowing people to find something that suits them. I think that's something that only a brand that started in New York, where there are people of various races, can do. Also, Satomi is an artisan before a designer, so she has deep love for her creations and a deep feeling for how to deliver them to people, and I feel that her love for them is special.